Welcome to Ananya Vidyalaya

Principal - Dr. Mamta M. Raval

Parents, Students and the school authorities are a team and complement each other’s efforts. Education is not just a process of giving Knowledge for a future job but a lifelong process which creates an understanding of moral and ethical values to guide one’s life and make our students the future one’s life and make our students the future hope of the country.

We feel very happy to be a part of this establishment. We are serving here true to our potential to transform the young ones into a potential source of knowledge, energy, and strength. A dedicated team of teachers, administrative staff, aware and cooperative parents, and a management imbued with great vision, form a unified team making endeavours to achieve the above.

A student who is taught discipline will learn the power of self control. Freedom, to be truly effective, needs the guidance of discipline.To be successful, we need self-discipline which teachers us to sacrifice individual inrerest in favour of group interest.

A large part of a child’s activate life is spent in the school. However every child gets his/her emotional stability from the parents.

Every child is like a seed which has the potential to grow if it is nourished with love and care under the right guidance. In the current challenging times it is essential that children should not only excel in academics but should also develop courtesy, discipline, smart personality, social sensitivity and be imbibed with the traditional values and culture of our country. Childhood is the best time to lay the foundation of the core values essential for the overall development of the future citizen of tomorrow.

We believe that effective teachers

Create opportunities for intellectual risk-taking, collaboration, problem-solving and application of classroom learning to real life situations; Implement strategies that promote ownership of learning to students; Design instruction to integrate a variety of innovative technological tools and resources to enhance learning and design assessments that promote 21st century skills.

We believe that successful students

Communicate in a meaningful way for a variety of purposes and audiences; Demonstrate a sensitivity to the precision and nuances of written, visual and aural medium through comprehension, interpretation and evaluation; Employ critical and creative thinking skills to solve problems and to Contribute to the local and global community in a collaborative and respectful manner.